For years now I have been abusing people's ears with my own particular brand of Rock and/or Roll. Occasionally, some people have enjoyed it - usually when they were drunk. Whether I have inflicted sonic death on anyone directly is a matter of conjecture. Apart from the usual residency at the nearest piano, leading the singalongs on Killer Bees away trips and generally not being able to play guitar as well as I once hoped; I actually have done some 'proper' music, i.e. stuff that I penned myself.
Since those lovely people at have sufficient space to host all my nonsense, most of it is stored there . Also there you have the chance to purchase one of my fine CD's (they're very cheap!)
But as a taster some clips of stuff, plus a few i can't put on there for various reasons will appear here in the near ya can't wait!
Page Produced by Pete Davies 2000 E-MAIL |