In September 1998, I headed north to Salford University, to study Music, Acoustics and Recording - something far more in keeping with my interests I think you'll agree.
This course was definately my thing, as I'm sure Matt, Jon, Scott, JB, Mum & Dad will confess to as I regularly bore them with the ins and outs of what I'm learning. (Keep nodding and agreeing - it makes me feel better!)
And when it all came down to it, the third year - full of nasty lectures and very late nights in the studio, wasn't THAT bad. What's more it came out alright, on that sunny (in Salford? surely not) afternoon when I discovered I had managed a 2:1.
I would like to thank the following people...
To the folks who have shared flats, beers, blood sweat and tears over the three years on the course: Jo(for making me work), Rory, Ian (despite the washing up and the late nights - living with you guys was always fun!), Adrian (for Cubase support, equipment hire and a sterling drinking effort with the lads), Ronnie, Shaun, Dave, Mackem, Ben and various other stragglers (for football, curry, and other various student activities (do I mean beer? I surely do!) and everyone else on MAR, PMR and all the rest.
To the Music department staff: Mark Grimshaw (for taking a chance and letting me on the course), Tim Warner and the rest of the MAR lecturers and tutors for actually teaching me something; Duncan Winfield and Joe Thomas (for getting me gig after gig engineering - your belief and support was invaluable) and a huge thankyou to Rico and Phil and the rest of the studio managers for all the help in matters both studio and spiritual - and lots of coffee....
Finish on a song.....
And now....the end is near...and so I face....the final curtain...etc, etc...
A corking first year was had , and a good set of marks seemed to justify the decision to go back. The second year also went well and we were ready for the BIG PUSH!
And now in my best 'Oscar Winner' voice....
To all the people who believed at the start, and throughout the course: for you moral, spiritual and financial support in helping me achieve this: Mum & Dad, Grandma, Liz & Jason (for everything); Joshua (for the phone calls and guitar inspiriation); Michele (for source material for lyrics if nothing else!); Matt & Tamsin, JB, Scott, Jon & George, Tom and all the rest of you (for always being there and occasionally (!) buying me a beer to see me through!).
There are people I have missed.....thank you too...
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