My search for work saw me wandering into Brook Street temping agency in Newport on....Friday 13th(!) January 1995, and them taking my details and telling me they'd 'Do what they can'
And so imagine my surprise when on the following Monday , they phoned and said I had some work with British Gas in Newport 'maybe for a few days , maybe all week.'
So, off I went in best shirt and trousers I could muster to try and impress them. It obviously worked because they took me on full time once the agency contract ran out and I stayed for 18 months , until the office shut down.
Fortunately, a few months previously, Midland Bank had started recruiting for their new Customer Service Centre in Swansea, and with my sister in charge of recruitment, I couldn't really fail could I?
Well , despite rumours to the contrary, I got the position on my merit and started being that soothing voice on the other end of the phone when you called the bank. Promotion followed and my skills of walking around with a piece of paper in my hand were tested to their full (this is a joke!)(almost!)
I have to say that with the exception of the actual work, it was a great job: a great working environment and loads of great people. One of the team leaders who worked there was particularly nice - and so Michele entered my life - worth far more than any salary the job paid (pass the bucket!). *Some things are meant to be, and sometimes things you think are, just aren't. We all know what I mean - it was fun Mich, XXX*.
However, time goes by and things must change.After just over two years I decided that this music thing wasn't going to go away, and with a tear in my eye, I jacked in my 'career' with the bank to go back to college.
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